
2023年4月- 24

National Counseling Month - Kristie Rood, LCSW - 老年生活解决方案 Counselor

每年四月都会庆祝咨询宣传月. On top of raising awareness and promoting the importance of mental health to people of all ages; it also highlights the importance of counseling professionals — from mental health counselors, 学校和大学辅导员, 药物滥用顾问, 给职业顾问. 今天, PG电子APP要庆祝PG电子官网的律师, 康文署克里斯蒂路, and the work that she does for our 老年生活解决方案 program.

Who are you and what do you do at Plumas District Hospital?

我是克里斯蒂·鲁德. 现在, I am providing group and individual therapy for patients in the 老年生活解决方案 program. I started in behavioral health and have been doing therapy for the past 10 years.

How did you first hear about Quincy, and Plumas District Hospital?

PG电子官网都不知道昆西的事. We moved here when my husband got placed here in October of 2012, through his work. We thought it was just going to be a pit stop, but we ended up falling in love with the community. 真是太美了. 你找不到比这更美的居住地了. 那是个养育孩子的好地方. I initially learned about Plumas District Hospital through taking my family here for care. Through the years I have had interactions with PDH professionally. 当老年生活解决方案项目开始的时候, 埃里卡来了,在集合中心做了一个报告, 我在那里的行为健康部门工作. Later on, the therapist position became available and the rest is history.


我喜欢PG电子官网这里有四季. 今年似乎不太准确,因为整个冬天都在. 我今年的冬天正式结束了. 然而, I do love how we have a winter, summer, fall and spring. PG电子官网来自林肯,在埃尔多拉多县长大. 通常,冬天会下雨. 你在那里并不能真正体验到整个季节. 真是太美了. There are also tons of things to do outdoors all throughout the year.


I had always worked in health and human services type jobs so I knew that’s where I wanted to go. I wanted to get my foot in the door locally, so I started in social services. I was fortunate enough to have a few counselors that encouraged me and mentored me to pursue counseling. 此后不久,我开始从事行为健康方面的工作. 这就是我进入咨询领域的原因. Chico state does a really cool distance learning program for rural communities in remote areas. 我通过这个项目完成了我的硕士学位.

你的业务是咨询和治疗. How would you describe what you do to someone who is unfamiliar with the practice? 谁应该去看咨询师/治疗师?

这是一个经常出现的问题. Unfortunately, there is still a lot of stigma around mental health services. I think that it has gotten a lot better, but we still have a ways to go. In my personal opinion, I think everyone could benefit from therapy. No matter what stage of life you are in, you are going to experience stressors. Everyone can benefit from speaking with someone who is unbiased, 支持和帮助你发现自己的优势. 总而言之, counseling is helping people uncover their own strengths and learn new skills that will help them deal with the challenges that come up in life.

What makes a therapist or counselor an ideal candidate for people to speak to? How is it different from confiding in a friend or a close sibling?

I think it is super beneficial to have these conversations with friends and family. 然而, the reality is that a lot of people are not going to dive into really vulnerable topics with friends and family. 人们通常害怕被评判, or even guilt and shame in regards to the things that you are dealing with. 因为围绕心理健康的污名仍然存在, people are fearful of being labeled as someone who is depressed or anxious, 或者其他诊断. 这就是PG电子官网的训练发挥作用的地方. I think by having a therapist who they know is familiar and educated in these fields, they feel more comfortable to come in and talk about these topics with me than maybe anyone else. 它是人们独特的个人资源. 它不是一刀切的. Therapists have their own personalities and skill sets and so do patients. This comes into play and can actually discourage people from getting therapy. 他们去看心理医生,但相处不来. Often times there are personality conflicts, and most of the time there is a better fit out there. 有时候你需要货比三家.

Out of all the disciplines in behavioral health, what made you choose to be a Counselor?

我喜欢和人一起工作. 我干过这么多活, counseling was the most supportive and encouraging of people being self-sufficient and getting to a place where they can improve their own lives. I really love the challenge of being able to work with someone in that regard. I also value that someone was vulnerable enough to share intimate details about their live. 我很荣幸能成为这一过程的一部分. It really is a unique, and professional relationship that you build with someone.


In my opinion, a really good therapist is good at establishing healthy boundaries. 这是一个挑战. 如果没有设定界限,就会产生依恋. This can cause a patient to be in therapy longer than they ideally should. Setting boundaries can show them that it’s okay to have someone present in their life for a season, 就算那个人不在了也没关系.

另一个挑战是,人是不可预测的, 尤其是当他们正在应对精神疾病时. 这也是我喜欢这份工作的原因. 它从不沉闷. 它总是独一无二的. 你最终会和他们一起经历这些起起落落. If you have someone that is really struggling it can be challenging. 但, 当他们开始做得很好, it is so rewarding to watch them make that personal improvement and try to do better in their life.

这也是一个不断变化的领域. It is relatively new so there is always an influx of new information and research to stay up to date with. I had a mentor at behavioral health that told me “a sign of the best therapists are the ones that are always willing to keep learning.“我真的试着把这句话放在心上. 这是一个挑战,但它确实让它保持有趣.


看到病人好转是最大的回报. 即使他们没有达到自己的目标, the fact that they took the time and found the courage to make a change is rewarding. 看到有人和我一起努力真是太棒了. Just being able to be a part of someone’s life in this way is special. 我不认为这是理所当然的.






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